Hey everyone!
About three weeks ago a buddy and me decided to tackle FFCC on the Nintendo Gamecube. Sure we'd both played the single player and I had even completed it. I loved the style and also enjoyed playing My Life as a King on the Wii. However, the multiplayer for the Cube version was hard to get in to: you both needed a Gameboy Advance and a special cable that came with the game or was otherwise tricky to get by. Just TEN YEARS later, here we were: playing the multiplayer. And after being slightly disappointed by a game like Destiny it struck me: FFCC has an awesome multiplayer! We are having a lot of fun and there's tons of content to keep you satisfied.
So here's the thing. I want to knock on Square-Enix's door suggesting a (HD) remake of the game for the Wii U. A digital or retail copy of the game with the cost of $30/€30 should be a fair price and if they hook up an online function to this game, getting a full four-player multiplayer setup shouldn't be too complicated. I can go into the further perks of having a remake, but what I think is most important: would people actually want a remake like this? If the answer is yes, fire away! If the answer is no, why not? In either case make some noise!
I'm excited to hear some opinions!
